Main Menu

Side Module

This is a module where you might want to add some more information or an image,  a link to your social media presence, or whatever makes sense for your site.  

You can edit this module in the module manager. Look for the Side Module.

Login Form


Congratulations! You have a Joomla site! Joomla makes it easy to build a website just the way you want it and keep it simple to update and maintain.

Joomla is a flexible and powerful platform, whether you are building a small site for yourself or a huge site with hundreds of thousands of visitors. Joomla is open source, which means you can make it work just the way you want it to.

About Us

Put more information on this page.

Creating Your Site

Joomla! is all about allowing you to create a site that matches your vision. The possibilities are limitless; this sample site will just get you started.

There are a few things you should know to get you started.

First, every Joomla! site has two parts the Site (which is what your site visitors see) and the Administrator (which is where you will want to do a lot of the site management). You need to log in to the Administrator separately. There is a link to the administrator on the top menu. 

You can edit articles in the Site by clicking on the edit icon. You can create a new article by clicking on the Create Article link in the top menu.  

To do other things, like edit the contact form, edit the modules or change the site name you need to log in to the administrator. 

Some quick tips for working in the Administrator:

  • Change site name and tag line: Go to the Extensions, Template Manager and on the Styles tab click on Your Basic Template.
  • To edit the Header Module: Go to Extensions, Module Manager and click on Header Module.
  • To edit the Side Module: Go to Extensions, Module Manager and click on Side Module.
  • To edit the Contact Form: Go to Components, Contacts. Click on Your Name. 


Once you have your basic site you may want to install your own template (that controls the overall design of your site) and then, perhaps additional extensions. 

There is a lot of help available for Joomla!. You can visit the Joomla! forums and the Joomla! documentation site to get started. 

Home Page Title

This will be the home page. 

Click on the login link at the top of the page and enter your username and password. Then you can edit the article to say what you want by clicking on the edit icon.

Once you are logged in you will also see a link to your site administrator and a page that tells you some more about working with Joomla! to make the site you want.